"As we will show, LOVE is not a concept that has a clearly delineated structure; whatever structure it has it gets only via metaphors."
– Metaphors We Live By, George Lakoff and Mark JohnsonAnd, while we're on the topic of metaphors, allow me to offer the following:
1. I like my metaphors like I like my cocktails: well-mixed.
2. I like my metaphors like I like my cocktails: shaken, not stirred.
3. I like my metaphors like I like my cocktails: frequently.
4. I like my metaphors like I like my cocktails: gin-based.
5. I like my metaphors like I like my cocktails: nonsensical.
6. I like my cocktails like I like my metaphors: self-referential.
7. I like my cocktails like I like my metaphors: surprising to the point of alienating.
8. I like my cocktails like I like my metaphors: stronger than me.