Doughnut season is in full, bewildering swing. Krapfen (like doughnuts, with various fillings but no holes) are omnipresent, and available in overwhelming varieties. I present here a sampling from one bakery, which currently offers a call-a-krapfen service (my translations are offered as necessary; names range from the bizarre to the potentially inappropriate, at least for a pastry):
- Der Klassiker - Marillenkonfitüre (The Classic - apricot jam)
- Amaretto-Marzipan
- Himbeer (raspberry jam)
- Baileys - Vanillapudding mit Baileys
- Kürbis-Kokos - Kürbiskonfitüre mit Kokonusscréme (Pumpkin-Coco - pumpkin jam with coconut creme)
- Porno Vodka - Kirschkonfitüre mit Wodka (Porno Vodka - cherry jam with vodka)
- Schoko (chocolate)
- Wölkchen - prall gefüllt mit Vanillesahne (Clouds - vanilla cream)
- Giftspritz'n - Marillenkonfitüre mit Jamaica Rum (Poison Spray - apricot jam with rum; pictured above, it's topped with a festive plastic syringe, filled with an appetizing lime green liquid! yum!)
- Jagatee - Hagebuttenkonfitüre mit Jagertee & Stroh Rum (I don't think this name is translatable - with rosehip jam, tea with schnaps, and Austrian rum)
- Hot Chicken - Vanillepudding mit Eierlikör (That's right, this doughnut is named Hot Chicken - vanilla pudding with egg liquor)
- Erdbeer-Limes - pürierte Erdbeeren mit Wodka (pureed strawberries with vodka)
- Die Krise ist vorbei - Johannisbeergelee (The economic crisis is over - currant jam)